Choke and Poke (Store Shamps #3 / 32)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

qwerty2jam 117

Not a new deck by any means it's a standard Unkar and friends style.

It's an amazingly fun deck, it's like spinning plates and feels incredibly rewarding when you do it right but god can it go terribly wrong, as all FN players know.

Prized possession is in there due to it breaking Poe/Maz + Palp if you get it out early and just being useful in 90% of situations. Saved me by getting it turn 1 against a Palp and likewise on turn 2 with a Poe/Maz (not before he turn 2 double thermaled).

I went 4/1 in Swiss, losing only to a beautifully run Emo kids that I just drew terribly against, even after beating a likewise brilliant Emo in my first round.

Was knocked out of top 4 cut at 3rd by the 1st place winner playin ANOTHER emo kids, my starting hand being only 3 cost weapons even after the mulligan, and unkar rolling nothing to use his ability with.

had a ton of fun but after weeks and weeks of playing I am retiring the deck and moving on.

Fare thee well sweet prince.

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