Mother and sons of mandalore (7-1 in tts league season 7)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
mother and sons of mandalore 2 3 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

ussgordoncaptain 117

Almost a month later and we are back with a vengeance. It's time to give an updated guide as to what I have learned from playing the deck. Thus far I am 41-9 in the past 50 games.

The Battlefield: Arena of Death - Nar Shaddaa is a great battlefield that I have played on a very small amount. I always choose their battlefield, and very few opponents have chosen mine. Shields are pretty OP, you put 2 shields on talzin and you are set. The battlefield does provide the deck with a strong lategame. Effectively allowing one to go "roll, Free-For-All claim."

The Characters: Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch: Still amazing, the most important side of her die is the even though the 2 side is powerful one frequently gets more than 2 damage out of a single resource. One of the best uses of her ability is to focus a into a on a card like Crystal Ball

Mandalorian Super Commando This guy is off the charts levels of good. 9 health, 2 damage/round all for 9 points. His die is actually pretty decent. Basically he has the same 2 damage sides that most characters do, and his 2 throwaway sides are shield sides, but instead of the resource side he gets a third damage side.

The cards

Dice control (8 cards) dice control has diminishing returns. If you play too much then this many you frequently will have dice control while the opponent has resolved all the dice in their pool.

Healing/defense (6 cards) I consider these cards to be separate from the main removal package. They allow one to resolve resources and then play these to prevent a character from dying. Removal requires the dice to still be in the pool if you wish to stop it. This allows one to be slower, getting the resources with chance cube then putting the mitigation down, this is key vs action cheating like Obi-wan+swiftness+concentrate, or Cad/snoke. Also noteworthy is that force illusion and armor plating both can overwrite a 1 drop upgrade if the opponent is targeting a super comamndo. Making up for the lack of redeploy upgrades in the deck

Chance cube (2 cards) Chance cube is the engine that runs this deck. There are 2 very imporant fucntions of the card. First it allows for the Super Commando's to get their triggers for free,this turns Super Commando's downside off a key feature of the card. The second function and often the more important one is that with Mother Talzin it is a resource engine. Generating resources is highly important in this deck, on a typical turn one will draw 5 resources worth of cards and this deck's character dice only generate 0.3 resources a round, leaving a 2-3 resource shortfall every round. Chance cube convienently generates 2 resources on net at the cost of mother talzin's focus. Without the resource generation, this deck is stuck playing 2 cards a round, but with the resource generation the number of cards played in a round dramatically increases.

Offensive cards (14) There are 8 1 cost equipment/weapon cards these are the bread and butter for the commandos. With the emphasis on cheap dice upgrades the dice pool quickly builds, and it is hard to mitigate them since it's a bunch of dice individually showing small numbers rather than a few big dice. Each one of the 1 drops has an unmodified on it, which makes up for the lack of it on the super comamndos.

Backup Muscle is there as another damage source and it allows for sick endgame plays involving guaranteed kills with commandos. It's also a great play after focusing to resource with talzin, giving the deck 8 different things to do with resources obtained after the opponent both claimed and it rolled out all 3 of its characters.

Relby-V10 Mortar Gun is the only 3 cost upgrade in the deck. It is a necessary inclusion as it functions as a powerful endgame/midgame tool. It is hard to afford the card without chance cube in play, but if you do have chance cube the card is great. It allows for focusing to damage while still playing around easy pickings. The secondary way of getting relby into play is by overwriting a 1 cost upgrade from a commando with it. This is sometimes a good idea when damage is at a premium while the rest of your hand is mediocre.

Free-For-All, this card is really important in the late game. It effectively allows you to end the game. The 8 1 drops Bardottan Sphere Crystal Ball Hunting Rifle and Mandalorian Vambraces, all of these at best typically only deal 1 damage from their die. Free for all allows for the big play of rolling out 2 mandos equipped with 2-3 upgrades each, then free for alling for 6-8 all at once. Using FFA like a 1 cost Focus for all of your dice.


aasenb 685


aasenb 685

I like your take on this deck. It's pretty darn close to mine so I'm going to try out Free-For-All and Hunting Rifle, since my current build has moved away from Holocrons. I really am not sold on it as a 1drop, but nothing can be as good as DH-17 Blaster Pistol I suppose. Kind of feel like Arena will back fire on us.