Rescue girls - Aayla / Leia

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Scactha 888

"Why should I pay 50000?" - Jabba the Hutt

"Because I have a Thermal Detonator" - Leia Organa, impersonating Boushh

Do you like extorting people and blowing stuff up? Then this might be a deck for you. Let´s get Han out of the carbonite...


Heroes doing what they do best: heal and nasty tricks. The deck wants to find Mas'z Googles or R2 asap to turn into those Leia and use the extorted to buy into even more upgrades and support.


Mull for a Villain support and an upgrade. Roll out Leia and put one upgrade on her to make overwriting into Second Chance easier. Everything else go on Aayla. Keep shifting damage back and forth with Dangerous Manouver and heal as needed.

Training, Treasured, Ezra's and R2 work very well with Aayla's . Confidence is vs new Vader and those dice Snoke wants to boost.

Leia's is obviously the decks major trick. Resolving it is usually about 20-25% of opponents health gone. Thus wait to resolve her dice until everything else you want to do is finished as opponents are forced to wait and see what will happen to them.

The deck works especially well against mill and 3-wide and I´ve yet to lose to either over a dozen games. It´s consistent as there´s only a single dead -side from start in Leias and 1-2-2 or better upgrades (apart from the Ancients who I´m on the fence about).

It also attacks from many angles and is troublesome to control due to the mixed damage sides and special chaining through Aayla and R2. This is another reason for Ezra's saber and Trainings (training's being very useful too).

Going forward I´m thinking of exchanging something for a second Treasured and a Vibrocutlass for some finishing oomph on Leia. Some control could be shifted into Force Misdirection as there´s a good mix of blue sides.

Thanks for reading. Comments appreciated.

1 comment

Caniac 174

If Aayla could focus Leia's dice that would have been pretty solid. I know you can go aayla into r2 into leia but you need r2 first turn which won't always happen.