Akbar Gamble

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Use the Focus, Luke! 7-0 Winner in a 20 player tournament 190 154 61 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Cheffboyardee 1

  • 28 hp Total

  • A good first turn could be holdout blaster on padawan, using ambush to equip Rey with a dh-17 blaster and then activating here. It ''binds all things'' into a ''lightsaber'' on the padawan also seem a good start.

  • The point, as with the majority of Akbar deck, is to roll some focus and then go ''all in''.

  • 5 events to control opponent's dice, 4 to pump up some hp and finally 4 for the ''all in'' combo.

  • Maybe too much upgrade? Should I remove some blasters (but they seem to allow some explosive starts) or maybe ''One with the force'' is to expensive for my game plan?

-Alternate battlefield could be frozen waste or starship graveyard.

Comment and help would be appreciated, i don't even know if this could be competitive.

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