LukeCSkywalker 30
This is a high attack team, where Poe and Finn (the Foe Fighters) work very well together. With Finn's ability, ATSTs (lengendary), can be added into this deck, along with any extra villain weapons. With Poe's ability, high attack upgrades like ATSTs can be discarded to resolve on of its sides, and then bought and played ready. If the card Poe uses his ability on is an upgrade or a support, that is not a vehicle, the battlefield Starship Graveyard (starter) will help with getting these cards back. If this battlefield is not chosen by the beginning role, then New Orders (uncommon) can be used to bring Starship Graveyard into the game, AND use its ability.
With Spirit of the Rebbellion just coming out, there have been several options for rebel vehicles, and high attack upgrades. This team uses upgrades like bowcaster (legendary) and rocket launcher (legendary) for high attack ranged damage. Many of the upgrades and supports like U-wing (legendary) and Launch Bay (legendary) are higher cost cards, which is why I have two smuggling freighters (rare).
All of the cards on this team have a reason to be on it. Launch Bay can be a stand alone high attack card with no cost. This card can reach up to five damage on this team, and can be used by itself unlike overkill (rare). Though overkill doesn't have as much damage, and it IS additional, launch bay has two attack side. The other sides are disrupt (great against crime lord), shields, discard, and —. Overkill has the sides +1, +2, +3, +3, —, and —. ATST and U-wing are another great match for this team. U-wing has two high attack sides, focus, which is great for Poe's special side, and has a special attack side. The ATSTs have higher attack sides than the than the U-wing, even if the five costs a resource, and its upgrade can help against other ATSTs, and other villain supports.
Smuggling Freighter can be used great in this team. Poe can use his ability to resolve the smuggling freighter's two resource side, or two disrupt side, and with its ability, it is put back on the top of the deck to be bought next time, and to repeat the process. Improvisation is great for this team because it gives a free reroll to the team without wasting any cards which is very powerful for this team. Defensive position (common), field medic (common), and Loth cat and mouse (common), are all defensive cards, defensive position providing shields, medic healing damage, and Loth cat and mouse removing an opponent's die. Disarm helps with removing weapons and equipment, which can help especially with vibroknife on a mélee team. Hit and run (common) can help at times, especially when Poe is almost dead, because it allows him to activate, and then have another action. Salvo is especially good with ATST, for it allows you to deal all of the the opponents characters five damage, killing most characters halfway or more.
Planetary Uprising (uncommon) is a great card that makes the opponent feel as if they need to claim the battlefield, because if they don't, they take two damage. It also keeps them trapped it they have one character left with very little damage. Second Chance (uncommon) is a powerful card with this team, because it lets Finn heal five damage when he dies, and two of them is even more powerful, giving Finn the equivalent of two lives. When Ammo Belt (common) is used with second chance, it gives second chance a second chance, letting it stay attached to Finn. When it it used with two, it may give Finn three lives.
Assention gun (rare) is also great with this team, for if Starship graveyard is not chosen, and if New Orders is not drawn, Assention gun's ability will still allow you to use the Starship Graveyard ability, and take an ungraded out of the discard pile. Bocaster (legendary) is great for this team because it has a two reneged attack, four ranged attack that costs a resource, and an add three ranged. Cunning (rare) also works really well, because it allows the special sides' ability of other cards to be used when the special is rolled with cunning. This allows the ATST, U-wing, and Poe's specials to be used more. Altogether, this team works very well together, but is defiantly a high attack team. Though it has a few defense cards, it is a team where attacking is the key.