Grievous and Sentinel // T3 Gaming

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Grievous and Sentinel 3 1 0 1.0
GG Sentinel Mastery 0 0 0 1.0

niftynick 519

Hey guys, Nick from T3 Gaming here. This quick craft is my take on Grievous/Sentinel that ended up winning our first local Convergence tournament 3-0.

The 3 weapons that are key and I think make this playable are:

  • Grievance Striker - It doesn't match up Melee sides but it has a free damage, all base damage sides, and Redeploy if they can burst down our coughy boy. I liked overwriting with it to just sneak in that extra damage.
  • Punch Dagger - Turn-1 dream drop. It has melee sides and a resource and it's a weapon. Necessary for this list.
  • Quicksilver Baton - It's got a decent 2-cost die but the value is in that extra roll, which can be used for all sorts of situations. If Sentinel feels kind, roll it early to match his 2. If Grievous rolls 2 base sides, leave one and give it a go. If you have 4 weapons and one gets controlled, overwrite and put the pressure back on.
  • I purposefully tried to stick to 2-cost upgrades so I could play one per turn and then with Logistics/resource sides be able to use some control on the side. It worked out pretty well I think.

Why does it work?

  • More free removal leaves resources for playing upgrades. Hidden Motive, A Sinister Peace, and Forsaken all do work. Modular Frame is also free and adds to both Bacta and Fatal Blow.
  • Sentinel Messenger is actually pretty good. Hot take, my favorite non-unique of the set. His die is solid, all useful base sides and a resource for Logistics, and that ability is clutch. Plus, he's a Droid so he can use Modular Frame if needed.
  • Bacta Therapy can be a 4 or 5 health boost (with Honed Skills) for 2 and critical to keeping Grievous alive. That survival alone let me use Grievous' Power Action pretty much once per match.
  • I think Lightsaber Mastery is neat. Circle of Shelter turns that sometimes unfortunate 2 into 2 for free if the roll isn't happening and Fatal Blow is a big surprise. I had opponents consistently leave out the measly 1-damage side on Grievous and then get hit for 5/2 - which I think is worth for the burst.
  • Salt Flats - Crait worked out here. Decent soft mitigation or a quick flip to 3 to keep the heat on. There might be a better option, but I thought I'd try it.

Overall, super fun. I might keep working at it a bit more, but it honestly felt pretty good as is. Feels good to finally see Grievous working and it's thanks to so many new tools this set. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for this. Thanks for reading.

I'll edit this later to add a link to video of it in action once they go up on the channel! <3

EDIT Here's the video:

It's not the exact list here, I made some changes here after the tournament, but it's pretty close! Enjoy!


crossjd 1

From the moment I started to see this set spoiled, I kind of got excited at the possibility of making this Grievous work. Mainly because of punch dagger, bacta therapy, and another card that I strongly feel you need. Riot shield. I'd replace modular frame with it. Maybe something else if you're too fond of it. Congrats on the tourney victory!

BigCatDragon 41

I'm really glad to see thus Grievous working!

Turner 282

Super happy to see Grievous2 on the front page again! Its about damn time he started swinging those 4 sabers.

Lightsaber Master + Fatal Blow seems great. In the past, I noticed it felt pretty bad whenever the Grievous dice would get removed. Have you tried running this with Retribution? My Grievous2 build is built with that plot. It helps out quite a bit if you pair it with Lair of General Grievous - Vassek 3. The damage you get per turn, even if you miss dice damage, really helps!

Link to my build for reference:

We need more General Grievous - Fearsome Cyborg!

niftynick 519

@crossjd Thanks!

Riot Shield didn't make the cut versus Modular Frame for a few reasons. The first and main is it's 1 resource instead of 0. My experience with trying to play Grievous is that he needs every dime to play a weapon - that's why most of the removal and control is free.

It's definitely a solid preemptive defensive option, but he doesn't get the Trooper bonus so it's just 2-health for 1-cost and gets discarded when used whereas Modular Frame is 1-health for 0-cost, Redeploys later (making it 2-health in the long run of match), can always be easily played on the draw with Sentinel no matter what, and stays on when you get hit to count towards Bacta Therapy and Fatal Blow.

I do like Riot Shield but I think it is at it's best when played on a Trooper subtype. Hope that explains that choice!

niftynick 519

@Turner Hey! Yeah, I saw your Retribution version as I was typing up mine and I think I'm gonna give it a shot at some point. Glad to see we took it in different directions so we can see Grievous get a few reps in! I agree, we need more Grievous!

My initial thought on it is the only side that really hurts to see get removed is the 3. The others are pretty basic damage sides but the kicker for me tbh was that Fatal Blow was more clutch than I expected it to be. I easily got 3-4 extra damage every game in a burst move. It also made that 1 side an unexpected threat that people would just leave alone. It does cost 2, which is the biggest issue with it in a Grievous economy, but that surprise burst is enough to set up a quick kill sometimes. Plus you get Circle of Shelter which corrects the side for a lil extra survival.

The other thing I found was that was once the 4 weapons are on the board, that's where my opponent's concern went so later in the game to avoid getting dunked on my the Power Action. So they were sort of dismissing my character dice. It can feel bad if both dice get controlled when you're itchin for a Fatal Blow, but I would just think of that as my opponent's investing in my next weapon since I would now have 2 resources to spare. lol I do want to try Retribution but that's sort of my quick thoughts on it. Hopefully that explains why I went this route, but I like yours too! :)

Lair of General Grievous - Vassek 3 is definitely worth a look as that extra damage can be a deciding factor later, plus against you it isn't horrible since you can just put the into Sentinel so that's a swap I'll probably make.

Thanks for the ideas and, to anyone reading this, you should check out @Turner's list that he linked above! And join the discussion/post your lists, as they said - we need more Grievous!!

Turner 282

@niftynick You really make me want to try Salt Flats - Crait here with Retribution. That could be so good if you land the side on Sentinel Messenger to line up 6 damage!

How did your matches go? Any against Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator or Palpatine - Unlimited Power?

Congrats on the win!

niftynick 519

@Turner Yes, both actually. The first match was against Padme/Yoda. Was feeling bombarded by the indirect and Grievous got down to about 3 health but once I knocked her out and played a 4-heal Bacta, the whole match flipped in my favor so got the win. The last was against new Palp in a 3-wide (Greedo and Sly), same sorta thing but I had a hard-hitting opening round, like 8 or 9 damage on Palp, which set the tone much harder and kept Palp from stacking too many abilities. Once Palp went down, game was just about over.

Could easily have lost either game tbh, especially to Padme, but it was nice to see Grievous stand against that kind of heat and Bacta proved to me that it was one of the keys to being able to sustain long enough to use the PA and abuse the weapons which was Grievous' big issue before. I used the Power Action in two of my three games, so to me that's a successful Grievous night. Thanks!

Turner 282

@niftynick Truly living the Cyborg dream. Thanks for sharing your deck. Cant wait to test around with some of these changes!

FragrantOlives 304

niftynick 519

@FragrantOlives So my main thoughts on those 4 weapons basically come down to consistent resolutions and utility.

  • Grievance Striker is a free ping damage, all base sides, and has Redeploy (just in case). It is Unique though, so I could see dropping one but I liked it for the most part.
  • Executioner's Axe, again, has all base damage sides, which is important early because Grievous' dice are targeted heavily and you still want to resolve damage. Plus it's great against 3-wides with lower health characters to get some extra value.
  • Treasured Lightsaber has a draw, only modified melee sides, and a that is probably 2 more often than 3. Not bad here, but my experience with Grievous is that the less modifiers you roll with him the better.
  • Crossguard Lightsaber has one base, one modified, and a that hits shields harder. That special is pretty solid if your local scene is shield heavy, I could see it finding a slot.

End of the day, it's mostly down to your preference/collection. I think you could swap around a few 2-cost upgrades and be fine since it isn't messing with the economy of the list. Hopefully that explains my thoughts on each of the weapons and why I went the way I did, but by no means is it set in stone. Let me know if you try others and how they go! :)

Miket1100 430

What are your thoughts about running Machine Replacement instead of Well-armed?

I'm super excited to build a deck similar to this.

niftynick 519

@Miket1100 I think that's a decent idea. I wouldn't say Well-armed was a very necessary card, considering I chose not to play 3+ cost weapons. In the matches I've played so far, I was able to play 4 weapons pretty consistently without Well-armed. This is mostly due to Logistics.

I do think that there's probably a better option than both Well-armed or Machine Replacement that would do more for mitigating dice and wouldn't immediately drop you to three cards in hand / be dead if you don't have an upgrade that hand. Sound The Alarm or Crash Landing would both probably be decently valuable with Sentinel's ability and would potentially keep Grievous alive longer.

Thanks for the comment, hope your version does well! :)

JuryDuty 14

@niftynick Grievance Striker is unique, but isn't that a play restriction? General Grievous - Fearsome Cyborg allows you to ignore play restrictions, so I've taken that to say that double unique weapons are fine on him.

Miket1100 430

@JuryDuty weapon uniqueness isn't a play restriction

General Vatutin 26

For those of up playing infinite, how would you alter this deck? Tx in advance! Cheers

FragrantOlives 304

@General Vatutin Ancient Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber, & Force Illusion are musts in the upgrade suite. I'd also consider Guard & especially Feel Your Anger in the mitigation package.

General Vatutin 26

Tx so very much