Ladies Night

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Masume 1306

New Rey build, which I didn't think much of until I played it. It performs wayyyy better than I imagined. Rey constantly does solid damage and the 1 ping ability adds up fast. Plenty of die removal and with Honor Guard and Lukes Protection it always keeps her with at least one shield even after she gets hit. Mulligan aggressively for her Saber and if she ends up dropping her Sabers go to Mothma to finish the deal. Mothma will constantly be focusing her die or giving resources, which is amazing on top of her reroll ability which you will always make use of. Still needs some tweaking, I originally had two of Luke's Protection but realized that two slows the deck down too much since she only needs one shield for her ability. Tossed Clash in and it hasn't been too bad, at worst it focuses damage on her die but I should replace it would something else since Mothma already does that.

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