Thelma and Louise

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Darkside_follower 38

Have a try with this fun, aggro deck. I've tested it a couple of times and made a few tweaks. This is an updated version after the tweaks, adding in the Disarm cards so you can deal with players that utilize Vibroknife, which kills your shield abilities and Ancient Lightsaber cards to keep one of your characters healthy depending on who your opponent targets. Coupled with 2 Cheat and 2 Lightsaber Pull you could get a ton of extra healing.

Double-Cross, while expensive at times is a nice late game changer or finishing card when you're aren't so concerned about anymore. It's not uncommon to have 3+ late game, which is needed to play Double-Cross and resolve a dealing a high damage output that requires a to resolve.

Also, I really like the inclusion of Rend and Sabotage given Empire at War's focus on supports.

The biggest flaw in this deck is its small amount of mitigation. Given its focus on aggro its really important to loop DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol as a form of mitigation. You have Loth-Cat and Mouse and Sound The Alarm to help as well. I suppose Disarm, Double-Cross, and Sabotage are all somewhat forms of mitigation, too depending on whether or not your facing a high support deck.

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