General Torment

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
General Torment 3 0 2 2.0

eckospider 213

I have been wanting to make a General Grievous - Jedi Hunter deck. I think Kylo Ren - Tormented One will give him a good pairing. I believe Kylo will be the main target as he is elite, so the main strategy will be to pump out damage quick on one of the characters, try to use Grievous' ability to get a free weapon, also get some of the redeploy weapons on either character to redeploy to whoever may be leftover.

I think Leadership will be helpful to fully utilize Kylo's ability early on

I have put on a variety of dice removal/mitigation.

I am still unsure about the Imperial Inspection, but seeing as they both have Disrupt sides, it could come in handy to remove dice.

The Electrostaff will be helpful for either to resolve their Melee sides that have a cost, as well as the Rebel War Room - Yavin IV

Please make suggestions, I should be able to test it this week at out weekly tournament.

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