Coming Out of Retirement

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Coming out of Retirement v2.0 (w/ write up) 2 1 0 2.0

WayneMcPain 138

Edits: Spelling and math errors.

This is a slower, mid-range and upgrade-ramping Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master build. The focus here is on flexibility and adaptability, and being able to pivot from playing defensively to offensively or vice versa.


Right off the bat you'll notice an odd inclusion: Force Throw. This card fell out of favor in the blindingly fast SoR meta, but the game has slowed down significantly with EaW and there are more huge dice running around than ever before. I think it is the perfect time to be playing Force Throw. Chucking back a Mace Windu - Jedi Champion 4 damage side or an LR1K Sonic Cannon 5 or 6 damage side is absolutely devastating. You can use Kanan's focus side and ability to threaten the Throw even if its not on a special side! Even if you can't pull it off, it can sit on the table and passively threaten any of your opponents big character and support dice, drawing out removal that would otherwise be used on your black melee sides. Also, as an added bonus the 1 Ranged side can help turn on your Force Misdirection.

Makashi Training: You have plenty of ways to deal with ranged damage with Force Misdirection and Deflect. Makashi is a strong damage upgrade that can double as clutch melee removal when you need it. Also, a target for Bestow.

Master of the Council: 4 cost is a serious investment, but not so hefty as you might think. Between It Binds All Things and Destiny, you can get this upgrade out fast and on the cheap. I might even have to up this to two copies. This is your primary Bestow target.

Rey's Lightsaber: It's just good. Does a damage when played on Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master, powerful sides, redeploy...It's just good.

Shoto Lightsaber: Being able to do two damage with Qui-gon just for activating him is kind of ridiculous. You may not be able to pull off having both copies on a single character very often, but it puts in plenty of work with just one copy in play as well. Your primary Lightsaber Pull target.


It Binds All Things: This is another card that fell out of favor during SoR due to it being a little slow and the relative ease of playing Destiny to save resources on upgrades. But with a generally slower meta, I think it has a place. Also, why not both? Destiny has great synergy with this card as It Binds All Things lowers the cost of the card you are installing. This combo allows you to install your 3 cost upgrades for a single 2 die side (or 1 side with 2 It Binds out), saving your resources for important removal, or even more upgrades.


Bestow: You've got a lot of fantastic upgrades without redeploy and even just moving one of these from your dying character can be a huge advantage. Obviously moving a Master of the Council over is the most powerful play, but even just moving a Shoto Lightsaber or Force Throw can be really strong. Can't really decide if it would better to use Funeral Pyre instead to play more proactively. Testing will tell.

Caution: Shields are good.

Close Quarters Assault: One of my favorite 0 cost cards in the game. This card went underappreciated for a long time but is now becoming a melee deck staple. Being able to remove nearly half of your opponents removal options in a turn is just disgusting and its not hard to trigger at all. Gets better the longer the game goes, but you don't mind seeing it in your opening hand either.

Deflect: Could probably use a second copy, but in some matchups it will be dead. Against the support decks and Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary decks going around though, it is invaluable. No other event in the game can give you the same damage swing for its cost and ease of use (citation needed :P).

Destiny: Talked about this a bit already, but the key thing to remember is that it's okay sometimes to sacrifice decent damage to get out a powerful upgrade, especially in the early rounds. Don't be afraid to remove your 2M sides if it means getting out a cheap or free Rey's Lightsaber. As stated before, this comboes really well with It Binds All Things.

Force Misdirection: This card is a powerhouse with Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi. His 1R side and ability to use his Focus side before taking an action lets you destroy your opponents ranged damage pool out of nowhere for 1 cost. Also fantastic in melee mirror matches. Just a really good card and this is arguably the best deck for it.

Guard: It's just so good guys.

Lightsaber Pull: For grabbing extra Shotos or Rey's Saber when you have cash but nothing to install. This deck is light on the blue weapons, so having this to be able to tutor what you need when you need it is great.

Riposte: Staple Qui-gon card. Also, probably one of the easiest cards to get overzealous with and cost you the game. I can't count how many times I got excited at the 3 burst damage and ended up losing because I should have kept my shields. Don't be silly with this card. Use it when it swings the game in your favor. Shields save lives!

Sound The Alarm: One of my new favorite soft removal cards. Against slower decks that don't cheat out damage, its a great panic button that can end up saving your butt. Against action cheating decks, well...what other removal card would have done you better? 0 cost to potentially remove a board full of damage is worth the slot imo.

Synchronicity: Probably my favorite card in the game. 0 Cost for 2 burst damage out of nowhere is both awesome and fun, and it is really easy to trigger in a Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master deck. So flavorful and powerful.


Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine I think that there are a couple good options for this deck. Secluded Beach - Scarif is an excellent way to shore up against the ranged damage decks, but with Deflect and Force Misdirection, plus Force Throw, it may not be completely necessary. The Hut gives you shields to feed Qui-Gon, but doesn't help your opponent if they don't have any blue characters to trigger it with. I find that often times the Battlefield that helps your opponent the least is better than the one that helps you the most, if that makes sense.

So that's the deck! I built this out of cards I own so there are a few notable exceptions and possible swaps. Ancient Lightsaber is all the rage right now and while I think it is a pretty decent card, I don't find it to be an auto include. Force Speed seems to be in every Blue deck out there right now, but I don't have any. More importantly though, I think due to the slower more mid-range focus of the deck, I don't think it is absolutely necessary.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This is still a work in progress and I would love to hear your suggestions.


jazzman101 14

Just a heads up, Bestow doesn't work on abilities like Force Throw or Makashi

WayneMcPain 138

Oh man, you're right. Definitely using funeral pyre then.