Bad Influence

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Tuark 235

This deck is seriously a bad influence on anyone who plays it. It's going to tempt you with gambling, women of the night, overconfidence and more. It's even got a couple of bro's to put on some peer pressure. About the only thing it's missing is alcohol. (For those of you old enough you can add that to your side board). But by the time the night is over and you've nearly milled yourself, you'll either be filled with boundless ambition or cowering alone in isolation.

Ever had 9 upgrades out and 14 dice on turn two? Well, let the temptation to achieve such things begin here.

Mulligan for your Chance Cube, Sith Holocron, and/or Boundless Ambition. If lady luck Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor blows some luck into your dice you'll have resources and upgrades galore on first turn. If luck is not on your side just use Trust Your Instincts to re-roll and draw into more upgrades or draw cards. What's even better is if you can setup your Trust Your Instincts or Boundless Ambition with a Pulling the Strings to draw exactly what you want. If all goes well then you should have close to no deck by the end of turn two and all three characters full of upgrades.


Final.Intentions 1

what's your win rate, and what are the favorable/unfavorable matchups for you?

Tuark 235

I've won about 70% of the games I've played with this deck. Mill decks destroy this deck because you can mill yourself out by the end of turn 3 or 4. A well placed dice removal really slows this deck down. With Rend in the game you have 1 of 2 options. Either not play zero cost cards like Sith Holocron. Or you double down on zero costs. This deck takes the double down approach with Sith Holocron and Chance Cube. There is enough focus in this deck to make Chance Cube viable.