Make Grievous Great... Finally?

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Ramin2-D2 550

i ran this deck. (even prior to errata). definately worth running two of each blue removal if possible. i personally ran Manipulate as well, since resources are low. maybe no Best Defense, since Grievous has such small health

LukeEaton 61

Thanks for the recommendation! Do you run all the ones I have included? ClashDeflectFeel Your AngerIsolationand Overconfidence? or do you run a different selection 2 of each?

Ramin2-D2 550

i personally don't run Isolation since it's only hits a character die. i usually don't run Deflect, but with the new errata, maybe guns will be more prevalent than before, so bet it's worth running now. Feel Your Anger and Overconfidence definitely!

jjjetplane209 38

I also ran a similar deck, which I still think was better tah Kylo/FN pre errata.

I would ditch Imperial HQ. I tried it, but found electrostaff works often enough, I didn't need it. I also love Makashi in this deck. So many people forget it's die removal ability.

Foz 1024

@jjjetplane209 Your Kylo/Grievous deck was not better than Kylo/FN. There is a reason the overwrite rule and his points were both changed.

I think Close Quarters Assault would be good here with the heavy melee focus. Making them discard multiple cards is really disruptive to most decks.

I find Isolation is great. Many decks lean heavily on character dice for damage. It doesn't provide the advantage of Deflect, but it is usable in every meta and I'm usually happy to draw it.

Overconfidence and Sound The Alarm serve the same basic purpose; dealing with god rolls. Sound The Alarm scales and is also free, though it removes nothing. It also avoids spot. Given the greedy economy here and lack of many good 0-cost options, I pick Sound every time for this deck and would replace Overconfidence w/ the second Sound.

The Best Defense... is quite good, I would not cut it. Opponents, especially mono-color ones, are likely to want Kylo dead. This forces damage in Grievous' direction who you prefer to be focused, and is also restriction-less removal of 2 dice.

Overall I'd be looking to trim down the curve significantly. You have a bunch of pay sides on character dice and weapons, very few 0-cost cards right now, and playing a weapon leaves you too broke to play most of your cards or resolve your pay sides.

LukeEaton 61

Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! By no means is this deck perfect right now. I'm pretty sure this deck would never beat Kylo/Fn it was just insane. But now that it is gone I think this may be a viable option especially if people begin to think it's safe to go back to mono color or if Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert rises to the top. Two Sound The Alarm sounds like the right play I personally like to run one Clash one Deflect although not as consistent maybe it helps deal with the whole field, and if it isn't relevant it is a card you are okay rerolling with. Close Quarters Assaultcould be really solid I'll have to give that a try.

jjjetplane209 38

@Foz Played it? Run against it? FNs nerf had nothing to do with his pairing with Kylo. It had to do with months of Funkar and Rainbow 9s. Look at the meta report. While there were a handful of Kylo/FNs in the top in the Australian regionals, they still weren't taking home the big victories elsewhere. Who actually gives Grievous a thought? You didn't. And anyone who says he works gets lambasted. Look at this deck, look at mine. Look at the dice consistency. Your opinion is yours and you're entitled to it, but don't try and beat me over the head with a rules update that was obviously needed months ago as your central argument.

Otherwise, I don't like Close Quarters Assault here because it deviates from the focus. Isolation is great. Sound The Alarm only really works if they are out of cards so they can't just reroll If you want to include something, I prefer Overconfidence which at least guarantees a removal. The Best Defense... is the worst choice in my opinion. General Grievous - Jedi Hunter is a fantastic sleeper. I hate wearing him down prematurely. Feel Your Anger is too expensive for my tastes in this deck. And I'd rather take Makashi Training instead of Clash. Not as efficient on dice removal, but continues to add to the damage ramp against non melee decks.

Foz 1024

@jjjetplane209 Your opinions are hilarious. Grievous was not as good as FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper in any deck where Nines was played. Grievous has less HP, less damage on 1 die than FN has on 2, and that's before we even talk about Nines' special that craps out multiple weapon dice every turn. Grievous can get one extra die per turn, and you have to kill a character with a decent non-ability upgrade to even get that He's not even remotely close to Nines' league. The fact that you're arguing he was better makes your other opinions quite suspect.

Nines is so good that there is an ongoing debate if his current decks can simply play one die of him instead of changing characters at all. Even with all the nerfing many think he might still beat every other option.

You're also quite wrong about The Best Defense.... Often it clears 5 or 6 damage. That means it removes 2 or 3, and puts the rest (3) on the target they don't want to focus on top of it. That combination of effects is way better than basically any other 1-cost removal. It doesn't matter if Grievous takes 3 damage because doing so prevents Kylo from taking 5 or 6 which means you get substantially longer to use both characters together. Grievous isn't being "worn down prematurely" he's giving HP to Kylo who matters more.

jjjetplane209 38

@Foz You have confirmed for me that you are merely an internet troll. I politely present a reasoned argument, and you reply with nothing. Good luck to you.

@LukeEaton As for your deck sir, good hunting. I love this combo, despite the jokers. Find what works for you, and it would seem you have a great start.

TheoGrizz 29


So, I read your list. I have some thoughts.

As You Command is a very helpful card. I play it on damage dice simply to get more damage dice. It can also be used as an economy card. Rainbow 9's was a solid standard for aggro deck composition, and it had 6 true economy cards. You have 4, with 2 side-econ (for lack of a better term) cards. Electrostaff is pretty great, and I count it as an econ card in my hand for opening mulligan, but I do not count it as econ for deck construction. If you do, that's fine, but to me it's side-econ. As You Command can operate as economy, too, and it certainly does not have to. That would give you 4 true economy cards and 4 side-economy cards. Just a thought.

If I'm being honest, I do disagree with several of your assessments. But, as far as objective, constructive criticism is concerned, when evaluating dice, I would suggest keeping "consistency" and "potency" (or frequency and amplitude, respectively) separate. Consistency is how often the dice do what you want them to do. Potency is how well they do it. Some of your analysis is just mathematically incorrect; rather, it was incorrect when you published it. Now, however, it's 1-die Grievous compared to 1-die FN, and potency is in Grievous's favor. Consistency is equal regarding damage, but Grievous has the edge for melee damage. Keeping these ideas--consistency and potency--separate will help with deck-construction, mostly, but it can also be helpful with some gameplay decisions.

@LukeEaton, while you have more econ in your deck than is in jjj's deck, that's the secondary function of As You Command. At least look at this card. It's seriously amazing. So much damage.

Foz 1024

@jjjetplane209 I replied with a simple direct comparison of the characters which demonstrates Grievous is inferior in every measurable way. He's inferior in avg damage output from dice, in HP, and in extra dice from his power versus what Nines gets You haven't addressed these facts at all, and have instead insisted that your anecdotal response must be correct in spite of all evidence to the contrary, not the least of which is Grievous' conspicuous absence from any event anywhere. You expect me to believe Greivous was somehow the better character for Kylo2 when he is numerically inferior and numerous top players came to the opposite conclusion? It's preposterous.

LukeEaton 61

@TheoGrizz Dude that card actually seems really good kind of have been sleeping on it. I like it though I definitely give that a try!!