The Jedi Hunters: eKylo2/Cad

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Jedi Hunters: eKylo2/Cad 1 1 0 2.0

FishHookFPC 20

Hey all! Will be journaling my experience with this deck here, as well as logging changes. Not all the cards are here yet, but hopefully I'll be at it soon.

Long story short, this deck's primary aim is to plunk away at opponent's health with Kylo's ability and powerful upgrades while utilizing a ton of cheap-to-free die control. My main concerns with this initial build are a heavy reliance on resources, especially if we can't find Holocrons, and the deck's overall vulnerability if/when it loses Kylo (Cad can't equip 7 of the Upgrades in the deck without the help of Holocron). That said, I think there's a lot of powerful effects here and I'm excited to try it out!

1 comment

LucianWolfhound 7

I have been trying a similar deck but I use dark counsel for the 2 focus sides and can also go on Cad. I also use emperors throne with a lot of specials on force abilities and can holocron an ability out also.