New deck: eKylo/Griev no Sith here!

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
New deck: eKylo/Griev no Sith here! 0 0 0 2.0


This deck is slow and resource heavy but surprisingly explosive. It was a tier 1-1.5 before Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician got nerfed. Anyway on with it.

The goal is simple get upgrades on the correct characters, mitigate, mitigate, mitigate, and reserve resources. Try and slow the opponent down as much as possible before General Grievous - Jedi Hunter dies.

Cards that I need to get are Ancient Lightsaber x 2.

Cards that have left the deck. Lightsaber Throw. Cool damage but too slow. Logistics. Very cheap cost and a great card but too situational and the deck has very little space. Manipulate Good cost, decent mitigation and some synergy with Feel Your Anger but again 2 actions to make it happen and I cannot afford a blank in a 3 dice character deck. No Mercy. That card saved me a few games but I found that I had to really adjust my strategy to make it go off the right way. I do miss it. Clash. May be on the cut list but still testing. Lightsaber Pull. May come back.

Please leave feedback, RAZZ

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