The Battle of Taanab

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

ColCarp 7

“Someone must have told them all about my little maneuver at the battle of Taanab.”

  • Lando Calrissian

The point of this deck is to keep Lando Calrissian - Galactic Entrepreneur alive long enough to ramp supports to what will likely be overkill.

Mulligan for a Y-Wing, U-Wing, or Millennium Falcon. Second Chance is also extremely important as well as Tech Team and C-3PO. You want to have a support out first turn that causes consternation in your opponent so the bigger the better. Lando's dice often let you win the battlefield, and from there it is only rolling Lando out for a resource to put a 5 cost first turn.

Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief is there instead of another Rookie Pilot primarily to take advantage of a late game Second Chance or Scramble once Lando goes down.

Finally, don't be afraid to pitch cards in order to search your deck for more supports to put into play. Lando allows for quality and quantity as long as you're quick about it.

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