Blue Man Group - Jankku Jankyard

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

JustJackGDP 408

This deck relies on getting both Thrawn and Talzin’s abilities off. They are both very powerful abilities that let you kill control cards from your opponent's hand and also turn your dice to powerful sides. In order to do this I believe your deck should have at least 26 odd cost cards to consistently get that ability off. You want to mulligan hard for some 1 cost upgrades to start, ideally Imperial Discipline, in order to consistently make as much money from Thrawn as possible in the early game. Once you get going, you want to replace cheap upgrades with the T-7 or Rocket Launcher. Your end game is using tactical mastery and all in with Thrawn’s focus to speed out lots of surprise damage from your big upgrades. Stay alive with force illusion and witch magick. The removal package is cheap but effective and lets you use your money for upgrades and paid sides. Now get out there and bring some Jank.

*Battlefield should be Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta


Ramin2-D2 550

With so much Focus, i'd run Chance Cube. (probably over Hunting Rifle)

Venator class star destroyer! 20

Do you not understand Talzin ability?

JustJackGDP 408

@Ramin-2D2 You should be able to make enough money with Thrawn to not need Chance Cube, it would also be anther even card to make Talzin miss.

@Happy JediHaving 26 cards in your deck that are odd makes you hit a high percentage of the time.