H1P2 - Montreal Regionals Top8 (6-1)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain Hook 0 0 0 1.0

pmduguay 83

I had a bit of testing three weeks prior to the event on TTS with a friend of mine. I tried the Y-Wing version, the DL-44 version, with some sort of Well-Connected, Sound The Alarm, Impulsive or Entangle. I decided on New Orders, X-8, Double-Dealing and the almighty 3PO. The X-8 are insane to finish the game once you have a lot of money from Hondo. Double-Dealing is a monster on T1, and every game I did, I won. Easy Pickings and Vandalize are the best events in the game at the moment. Cunning is good once you have Poe's Blaster / Canto or if you're playing against some sort of Force Throw kind of specials, but pretty meh otherwise.

7 rounds of swiss @ Valet d'Coeur in Montreal. I ended up 3rd in the swiss with a record of 6-1.

G1: eAayla / ePoe Easy pickings won me the game. I also rolled really well. (1-0)

G2: eFN / eTalzin I wrongly went for FN and lost with FN dead and Talzin at 1 HP. (1-1)

G3: eYoda / eQui-Gon One of the easiest match of the tournament. I had Vandalize for its Force Speed at the right moment and was able to control most of his dice and rolling well. (2-1)

G4: eSeventh / Cienna / Nightsister After an early Rise Again on Seventh, I decided to kill both other character before he does any leadership / price of failure. After that, I got him off of ressources and he couldn't play any relevant upgrades. I won with Hondo on full health.


G5: eTarkin / eSeventh I got Seventh very fast with a surprise New Orders to finish her off after she had roll with an Ancient Lightsaber on her. This play basically won me the game on its own. (4-1)

G6: eKylo / eTalzin I killed Talzin first pretty quickly with some early Easy pickings. He got most of his Kylo activation, even though he was naming yellow while I mostly had red cards in hand, but I was able to Vandalize its upgrade and keep off of ressources to grind it out. (5-1)

G7: eSabine / eEzra I got him on the back foot early with some very good rolls and key Vandalizes. I got Poe to survive at low HP for a round or two and he did massive damage before dying. Sabine didn't roll all that well that game. (6-1)

TOP8: eSabine / eEzra (not the same player) G1:I was able to kill Sabine with a Hit and Run after an early Hondo kill, but I got killed while Ezra being at 3 HP. I did a mistake of using my 2 focus from Poe to turn to 5 damages instead of trying to reroll. I had three irrelevant cards that I could have discarded to try to kill Ezra the turn before. He killed me the next turn with a timely Never Tell Me the Odd/Running Interference non-sense.

G2: He basically god-rolled me and I got only blanks. That was a miserable ending, but I was still very happy with my finish.


AlreadyPicked 14

I have a pretty similar deck with Planetary Uprising also. Did you play them? Also, do you hard mulligan for Double-Dealing? It is a fantastic card in this deck.

pmduguay 83

@AlreadyPicked I think I'm generally underplaying them. The games were you are the more prevalent to win are the ones that you get your opponent on the back foot, trying to catch-up. Planetary Uprising is good at that, and sometimes it feels you won't be able to claim all that much, but if that means they don't risk a re-roll each round, this might just be enough.

I usually mulligan to get 1-2 upgrades, 2 mitigations and 1 support. Double-Dealing is my favorite one, but I won't mulligan an upgrade from my starting hand if I only have one. I tend to mulligan end-game cards such as Hit and Run, Field Medic, New Orders and Second Chance. If the deck I'm playing against isn't that fast, I'll also mulligan Canto and mulligan harder to get cards like C-3PO and Double-Dealing since they will make a big difference in the long run. But if their faster than me (Sabine), I'll mulligan cards like Defensive Position and Planetary Uprising.

Johnnytenpins 40

@pmduguay Congrats! Did you find C3P0 useful? I dont have it in my Pondo deck but am considering it. Do you know what other decks with in the top 8?

pmduguay 83

@Johnnytenpins Yes, very much! It assures you a Special activation each turn.

Other decks were :

Kylo2/Talzin R2P2 Yoda/Poe2 Yoda/Poe2 Sabine/Ezra Kylo2/Bazine Yoda/Qui-Gon