FinnSolo ~ 6-2

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

SeventhSonGames1380 68

I built this deck on a whim, seeing as how I had both characters (and trust me when I say elite Finn was a pain to get). The fact that this only contains 3 legendaries also makes it fairly easy to construct.

What makes this deck so powerful, is the fact that it can get off Planned Explosion without needing any upgrades, although the chances of actually rolling this are minimal, to say the least.

This deck is chock full of ranged damage and comes with quite a few tricks up its sleeve as well. Defiance is a brilliant card with these characters, especially Finn, due to his two 2 sides, and a 3 side. Fortuitous Strike is perhaps the best card in this deck, and becomes more useful later on in the game, although has the potential to deal out 4 damage without the need for upgrades or resolving dice.

On the mitigation side of things, I'm packing Easy Pickings, Bad Feeling and Double-Cross. I went pretty light on mitigation, as this deck usually deals a lot of damage in a few rounds, which most opponents find it hard to recover from. Double-Cross is especially useful, as most opponents don't expect to have their dice used against them, and can turn a blank on Han into something useful.

I included C-3PO for one reason. Resistance Bomber. Because who doesn't love having 3 indirect, or even 6 indirect, turning into 6 ranged damage?

The upgrades are fodder for Planned Explosion and Fortuitous Strike, and increase the hitting power of Finn and Han.

~---------------------------~ Opening Hand: Any 2 cost upgrade, Truce and Fortuitous Strike. The other two cards can be whatever. This helps you get anywhere between 3 and 5 damage out without resolving dice, and usually up to 6 damage from the dice themselves.

Useful combinations: C-3PO and Resistance Bomber: I mean, come on. 6/2 indirect into ranged damage? That's amazing.

Double Cross vs any Mill deck: It's just so funny to watch them have to discard their own cards.

X-8 Night Sniper, Hit and Run, Planned Explosion: Only works if Han is already rolled out, but this can devastate many players due to the fact that they can't get the value of your dice below 10 before you can play Planned Explosion.


VS Jabba 2 Nightsister (WIN) I was pretty afraid of playing a mill deck, but what with a few lucky Fortuitous Strike rolls, an early Planned Explosion and my opponent being somewhat unwilling to constantly reroll my damage, Jabba died within 2 rounds and the rest of the game was pretty easy from there on in.

VS Palpatine (WIN) I wasn't overly worried about playing against this. Finn's ability completely destroyed Palpatine, and once I had Resistance Bomber out there was very little he could do. Double-Cross helped out a lot as well, as did Easy Pickings.

VS Hondo Snap (WIN) This game came down to the wire. The complete lack of resources due to Hondo's special stopped me claiming, although lucky he chose his battlefield instead of mine. In the end, it came down to a bad roll from Snap, me having defeated Hondo earlier, and a lucky IQA-11 Blaster Rifle special to give me the win.

VS Asajj Quinlan (WIN) Another game which I wasn't too worried about. He got an early Force Push out, which didn't help me out much, but a few timely Hit and Runs and a lucky Fortuitous strike gave me the win here.

VS Yoda Padme (LOSE) Completely milled out in 5 rounds. He kept mitigating all of my damage, and managed to get Force Meditation out on the first turn. It was just a downhill slope from there, as I watched all my weapons disappear into my discard pile.

VS Vader Jabba (WIN) Focused on Jabba, having had my opponent hit Truce and Blackmail in his opening hand. Managed to get rid of him by round 4, and Vader could not stop the relentless tide of ranged damage, or the planned explosion.

VS Vader Tusken (LOSE) You know what they say about this deck, and it proved it's might to me all right. Frequent 3/1 rolls on the Tusken, as well as it's ability killed any chance of me winning, and Vader just pumped out damage. Facing this made me wish I had packed more mitigation.

VS Rey Aayla (WIN) I'm pretty sure the only reason I won this was because they could not ramp up their shields. That, and Main Plaza - Vashka came up clutch in defeating Rey. I managed to stop Rey's ability activating most of the time by focusing on her and Han's reroll ability helped to stop most of their damage. I gained new respect for Hit and Run during this battle.

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