
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

Mono color decks have long been dominated by the likes of Mono-Blue, but not anymore! I believe Red and Yellow have just as much mono potential as Blue, and today I’ll be piloting this beauty in our local weekly event.

The idea here is simple: Load up Bala and kill fast. Get as many re-activations as possible. If they target Bala First, make sure you can overwrite something on him for a Cutlass before he dies. If they target Boba first, keep him alive as long as possible til you get Bala loaded up, preferably with two guns and a Cutlass, or a BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX if you’re facing a shield heavy deck.

I will update you guys after the event to let you know how it does!

1 comment

Taelorn 4

I'm pretty new and was just thinking about trying Boba and Bala since it's pretty cheap. What did you think of it after using it?