Is Snoke Zombie Tarkin ?!?

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Bpraleigh 117

Those cheek bones! The mysterious head wounds- old trauma or something more? Could it be?

A take on my Tar-Ana-Suarus Wrecks , but switching to Kylo1 for more health, a harder hitting (though much less consistent & requiring more luck), but mainly to exploit the special rules on Crossguard Lightsaber.

I guess mulligan hard for Crossguard, then overwrite frequently and try to claim to snatch it back, rinse and repeat. Really gonna miss that 2 side on Anakin, probably an overall downgrade. Still, hot swapping Crossguards and Leadership otk turns should hit hard and fast. Try to keep a free resource every round to bluff a leadership play.

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