6-0 Seattle Trilogies GQ Poe/Hondo

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Pondo Trilogy 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Mark-3P0 159

This was the deck that I played at the Seattle Trilogies GQ on June 23rd and went 6-0 with. It played really smooth throughout the day and was able to find multiple ways to win my various match ups. Either way people played against it helped me out in my paths to victory, whether they paid off Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman or took the damage I was OK because it was helping me defeat their character or kick start my own ramp.

Round 1 I played against Aayla Secura - Jedi General & Yoda - Wizened Master and it was a fairly smooth game for me. I was able to mitigate dice when I needed to and get the upgrades down that I needed to keep the pressure on my opponent. Honestly, after the long day of the GQ I can’t remember much from how this match played out, but I was always playing offensively, and had my opponent on the defense for most of the match.

Round 2 was against a Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary & Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician deck that I had actually played against a couple of times in the lead up to the GQ event. I was pretty confident coming into the match and I think it is one of the better match ups for Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot & Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman. It was a fairly easy match for me to win and I was able to get Impulsive off for lethal damage using a Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman side and the Vibrocutlass.

Round 3 was one of the toughest two matches I had in the day, against Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot & Yoda - Wizened Master. I benefited from some unlucky dice rolling by my opponent in round 1 which helped me gain an early advantage in the match. I was able to defeat Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot at the beginning of round 3, but his Yoda - Wizened Master was able to keep himself alive with lots of shielding. It came down to just my Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman vs his Yoda - Wizened Master and I had a great roll that he couldn’t mitigate enough to prevent the lethal damage. Impulsive was the MVP of this match, I was able to get it off twice on a Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot 2 to get the best damage off I could get.

Round 4 was against Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary - Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch - Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician. This was the one match where I got the most value out of my 2 Suppression Fields and Honor Guard. I was able to defeat Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician by round 2 and after that I never lost the character die advantage, using my supports to eat up all his damage threatening dice. I don’t think I lost a character in this match and didn’t really need my damage moving/removal cards since I was able to keep the pressure on for the whole match.

Round 5 was against another Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot & Yoda - Wizened Master, and it was a close match but definitely went better for me compared to the match up in Round 3 earlier in the day. This match is probably the one where I can remember the least from as the long day was starting to take its toll on me.

Round 6 was against Yoda - Wizened Master & Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman, and this was the match up that I felt was my worst pairing to play against. In round 1 I played Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder and called upgrade. I was able to discard his Force Wave he had in his opening hand which I think was one of the reasons that I was able to pull this one out. This match was incredibly close and about half way through the match I had barely damaged his characters at all. Mend and Dangerous Maneuver were very important for me to keep Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot alive for as long as possible. I had a lucky Bamboozle play on one of his Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman s that hit a on the re-roll letting me take a resource from him which I found out after the match prevented him from playing one of the multiple 3-cost upgrades he had in his hand that round.

I would have to say that the best card throughout the entire day was Impulsive, allowing me to flip 2 dice with Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot’s 2 side and then resolve them. It caught a few players off guard, and in some instances either won the match outright, or was able to really turn the tide in my favor to help me win. Mend and Dangerous Maneuver were also very important to keep whichever character that was being targeted first alive for as long as possible, which helped give me the best chance at gaining a character advantage on my opponents.

Worst card in the deck was Hasty Exit, which I think I played only once in the entire day. I thought I would be able to claim more often than I was able to, so most of the time I drew it I wasn’t able to play it and ended up using it to re-roll almost every time I had it. Other cards that I didn’t really get much value out of were Crash Landing and Bubble Shield. I didn’t end up seeing any indirect damage decks, and so Bubble Shield only got played one time in round 4, and I don’t think I ended up playing Crash Landing at all throughout the day.

Overall I had a great time at the GQ, and got to play against some really great players in the Seattle area!


Daaneskjold 9

you piloted the deck expertly man. I was going to play this but ended up playing Tarkin-Aphra myself, and then on one of the pods I played this myself and got trashed - even after putting a bunch of practice on TTS. It is not the most straight forward deck, and you have to balance defense and agression carefully.

Mark-3P0 159

@Daaneskjold Thanks a lot! It definitely presented me with a few moments of having to make tough decisions, but in the end I think it made my opponents have to make more of those than me having Hondo on my side!

Bloody_9 14

That Zulu's crew putting in work! Great Job!

SW_Nerd 20

What about Hyperspace jump in here? might be good for when you need to end round.

SW_Nerd 20

thought maybe c-3po also he will let you resolve a dice as if it were a different symbol.

Mark-3P0 159

@SW_Nerd This was for the Trilogies GQ so Hyperspace Jump and C-3PO would not be legal for play.

artyzipp 7

Rex's blaster plays really nicely in here