Obi/Maz 1st Annual Alabama Summer Slam (6-2)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

No Force Speeds or Concentrates. Instead the focus is on early damage with Obi and keeping Maz alive long enough to combo Vibrocutlass on Maz, roll a focus, snag 4 damage, Jump, rinse and repeat.

Goggles are the absolute best card in the deck. I'll mulligan my entire hand to grab one.

Game 1 - eFett/ePhasm LOSS Crushed in about 15 mins. Max damage from Fett and Phasma, God rolls, no mitigation, Maz dead early turn 2. Convinced the day was OVER.

Game 2 - eKylo/eAnakin WIN Slow game, finished Kylo off turn 2, but he started shielding up Anakin and I was staring at 12 to burn through. He murdered Obi late and I was able to finish off Anakin with the cutlass.

Game 3 - QuiGon/Aayla WIN So, I've been in the game since November and Momocon was my first experience outside of my meta and the first time I had ever played OTK or a QuiGon deck. Ironically, my second ever matchup vs QuiGon was against the same guy from Momocon, Charlie, who is a really cool guy even though I drove him nuts arguing why that dude shouldn't be able to take more shields than he can hold! Anyway, he smoked me in ATL vs my Sabine (trashed now) and I was able to even the score with Obi/Maz. They game nearly went to time because we both just continued to build a wall of shields around our main guys, mitigate and slowly do min damage. I was just lucky enough to get the last bit in and finish off the match. Looking forward to the next time...

Game 4 - eFett/ePhasma WIN My 9 year old son and he threw down a Hidden Blaster turn 1 with a Quick Draw, rolled 4 damage and a resource, did the 4 on Maz. He activates Fett, rolled a 2 range and 2 melee, I mitigated the melee, he bait and switched the Phasma die and murdered Maz. At this point I told him he had to walk home. I did manage to get 6 on Fett that turn, played ultra conservative, took shields, mitigated and eventually killed Fett. Ended up with 4 on Phasma and finally drew a my ally and double popped Phasma for the win. He was PISSED.

Game 5 - Ezra/Hera/eKanan WIN You can read the report Scotty did on this game on it was way intense and just goes to show a game can flip on you real quick. Ezra was quickly gone, Hera a few turns later. I started on Kanan with 2 shields after some nice damage rolls, focuses and Ally plays, I had that freaking dude down to 1 health. Force Heal, 2 Ancients and he was back up to 7 in one turn. The game lasted forever, they called time on the round and I just Hyperspace Jumped to end it. It felt dirty vs a friend but I would not have made it through the round as he had like 15 vehicles out. The win got me into the top 8 cut.

Game 6 - eSabine/eEzra WIN This deck drives me nuts but I have good experience with it as that was my jam for about 2 months and at the GQ in May. I knew I had to get Sabine murdered before a Second Chance came out. I watched his plays closely, knew when he could not replace to play it and got super aggressive with rerolls. I got the cutlass on Maz, rolled her, killed Sabine and then Jumped. This is where it got "dirty" as I did it again, did 4 damage to Ezra, I Jumped again and then rolled her out again and finished it off. There is almost nothing I have seen that hits more consistently than Maz with Goggles and a Cutlass. You nearly hit a focus every single time and get the free 4 damage.

Game 7 eRey/eAayla LOSS This was vs my buddy Jeff and he was the top seed. Typical Stairs deck. I felt confident in it as I have probably played vs this deck 100x and lose almost everytime but I really felt good about Obi/Maz. And then it happened...Willpower. Never even seen the damn card. I had a 1 health Maz with a shield, 2 resources and an Easy Pickings and Ancient in my hand. I elected to play the Ancient to heal Maz. He played Willpower, took a damage off Rey, put it on Maz UNDER THE SHIELD, killed her and then rolled 4 indirect with Aayla that I could have Picked if I had the money. Game over man!

Game 8 - eUnkar/Bazine/Nute WIN Third Place game. This deck is no joke. He murdered me the first time vs I think my son's Phasma/Fett deck. I was able to pick it off about a week or so later with Thrawn/Mother because I knew what yo look for. This time I didnt have a clue how I was gonna stop the Buy Out, but about half way through it occurred to me. First, I was able to get the goggles out early so I elect ed d to just use Obi's dice and slow play a weapon later and avoid milling with Nute's ability. Then once I had all the damage I needed killing Unkar, the light bulb went off. I started using the focus on Maz to use the goggles special, milled one of the Buy Outs. First Ancient I played he Vandalize and I was damn lucky to get the second one because I just used Maz to focus to resources so I could afford to keep looping the lightsaber until time would expire. He eventually milled himself out trying to Barter my lightsaber in my hand and then mill it with Bazine. It was a crazy game.

Very happy with this deck. I didnt get Impulsive off at all, but I rolled a ton of shields (obviously) so I'm swapping those with 2 Synchros.

Happy hunting! Scotty, look! I did my first tournament report!


SW_Nerd 20

Was wondering if you thought the b'omarr Monastery Battlefield is a better fit?

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

@SW_Nerd The Vibrocutlass, Heirloom Lightsaber, and Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master do not have modifiers. Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base is a chess match and usually in my favor considering how quick the deck functions.

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

Update: Synchronicity WAY better than Impulsive

SW_Nerd 20

Would shoto be good in this deck?

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

Shoto feels too clunky in this deck and Obi and Maz already produce a massive amount of shields. Even the Ancient bothers me because it's best side is a +3, but it isn't blue character only and it heals and loops vs mill decks.

LukePM1776 99

Definitely replace Impulsive with Syncro.

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

@LukePM1776already done