
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Toeko 72

The deck is called Pringles because PRyce, Nute, and GUavian combined to make the acronym PRNGU, which almost sounds like Pringles when spoken with your mouth full of water.

Deal with it.

BLUF - This deck is ThrawnKar, or as close as we get in this day and age.

Going through the choices, I have chose Fort Anaxes - Anaxes as the battlefield because we will rarely be claiming, but with we want to control the battlefield through Lockdown. Fort Anaxes will give this deck the best benefit when you consider we will not be claiming. Blackmail should always go onto the Guavian, Pryce and Nute will be the primary choice, but Blackmail on the Enforcer will make him either devastating if left unattended or he will take the heat off the other two characters. Otherwise the game plan is based on what deck you are sitting across from.

So far I have proven the deck theory, but none of the games have counted in my opinion. So I can start legitimately testing the deck now.

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