Roger, Roger (Support Edition - Way of the Force)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Roger, Roger (Top 4 Winnipeg Store Championship) 17 11 6 2.0

Zamrod 113

The point of this deck is to do a lot of indirect damage as quickly as possible.

Ideally, you'd like to get Imperial Backing and either LR1K Sonic Cannon or Hailfire Droid Tank or Imperial Troop Transport in your starting hand so you can play one of them turn one.

If you don't get one of them, you should be able to use an Award Ceremony to draw into one for turn 2.

You also want to get Attrition and Aftermath out as quickly as possible since your droids will die quickly and you'd like to be benefit from it.

Beyond that, the deck is fairly straightforward. It has very little mitigation, relying on the 30 health and Endless Ranks to stay alive long enough for the constant stream of small damage to kill your opponent.

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