Griev Gamorrean

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Griev Gamorrean 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Griev Gamorrean 0 0 0 3.0

Goopies 134


futantshadow 15

in my testing with this pair, i found that trying to get to 4 weapons to use grievous' ability wasn't worth it. i use better weapons, like 2 darksaber instead of one, vibrocutlass, z6 riot baton, vibroknife, gaffi stick, and electrostaff. play a 2 drop weapon turn 1, then overwrite it turn 2 with a bigger one. gamorrean keeps him alive a few turns and with 2 grievous die and a couple of huge weapons, he's unstoppable. i also recommend playing 2 three steps ahead, because you have to resolve his dice to win, and if you happen to have 4 weapons, you also get to do 4 extra damage.

Goopies 134

Thanks! After some testing I've been experiencing what you're talking about.