Doc & DJ's Die Removal Service

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Cal 30

This deck is still very much a work in progress.

Hard mulligan for Streetwise. Then remove as many dice as possible while getting together Aphra's crew of evil droids. Self-damage is dangerous with only two characters, so be careful with BT-1.

Slave I (Legacies) has proven to be an amazing addition. At first I thought the requirement of rerolling into the exact value you want to remove would be too ridged, but you just have to pick the right die to reroll. For example, Doc has three "2" sides, and XS Stock Light Freighter has four "0" sides. If your opponent has both a "1" and "2" value die showing, rerolling 0-0-0 with Slave I is guaranteed removal, since 0-0-0 has no blank side.

I had LL-30 Blaster Pistol, but cut it for one Ark Angel and one Take Flight. Not sure about this change.

This deck doesn't claim very often, what with all the supports, so I'm pretty unsure about the battleground. Imperial Academy seemed like it would hopefully be pretty useless to the aggro decks that Doc and DJ have some trouble keeping up with.

I'm really glad to be back to playing villain mono-yellow! Suggestions welcome!


SwagonBallZ 630

You thought about Lotho Minor Junkers? you have 3 pairs of unique supports so it'd be slick to be able to toss the spares for rerolls then scrap them for resources.

I'm building something similar, DJ Aphra has a good thing going I think. Looks good!

Cal 30

That seems good! I'll try one in place of Take Flight! Thanks!

Nexashe 57

On The hunt looks like it would work well here as would may be Free For All?

Cal 30

On The Hunt comes in and out of this deck. I like it more in theory than in practice. Free-For-All could be a nice one-of finisher, but it strikes me as a bit of a win-more card.