The Force Is Fixed (2-3 at 24 Player SC)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

ijonathangarza 157

Plain and simply put, this deck probably needs to be optimized. That, or it was just a bad day of terrible luck.

The goal is to wind up with Ancient Lightsabers to limit the two even cards in my deck, drop It Binds All Things and then hope for the battlefield because it will almost always be an odd card revealed!

More often than not opponents have gone for Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch first, leaving me to shield up Count Dooku - Darth Tyranus or heal him.

Money was an issue and Rise Again never saw the light of day.

Round 1 (LOSS) vs. Ezra/Hired Gun/Jedi Temple Guard/Rookie Pilot — It was a LOT of damage to chew through, and, boy did my weapons hide. Still, this deck is very consistent without any additional dice. Dooku went down first while I was able to get rid of Rookie Pilot and Hired Gun. No Force Illusions, one Witch Magick and no Indomitable meant an easy-to-kill Talzin, and I dropped the first match.

Round 2 (LOSS) vs. eYoda/Cassian/Anakin — Don't get me started on mill. And when the damage rolled out, Easy Pickings had its fun. I got milled out here. His Vandalize was key in removing my Dagger of Mortis in Round 3. I was able to get rid of Cassian after that with the consistent dice. But, in the end greed got the best of me. I wanted to use Unyielding to get rid of Yoda before he Easy Pickings a two and three melee die, ending that desire. I could have had Ani and should have, but greed got me. Milled to death.

Round 3 (LOSS) vs. eDJ/ePhasma2 — It's hard when you have so few dice and your opponent has mitigation for everything. Then DJ hits you. Ouch. One roll out of Dooku with an Heirloom Lightsaber saw two 2 melee dice and a three melee die. Enter Defend... Ouch. He had too much mitigation and I was unable to kill any characters.

Round 4 (WIN) vs. eKylo2/eAnakin — Finally the weapons came out and finally I was able to burst some damage through. Rolls were tough for him though as it seemed the only damage that came through were all the blue cards he'd guess right with Kylo early. Easy win the way the deck was supposed to have been played.

Round 5 (WIN) vs. eRey2/ePoe2 — When you're hot, you're hot. I rolled out gas and won this match by Round 4. It was a frustrating day, but I saw a turn 1 Binds turn into an Ancient Saber. Turn 2 I dropped a Dagger of Mortis. Turn 3, an Heirloom Lightsaber. Ouch. Filthy when it hits.

You might be asking why I'm publishing a losing deck? Why not? I had fun with it and you might too.

I'm thinking about removing the Force Jump as they really weren't used. I may go for more mitigation in the likes of Spell of Removal.

Any suggestions and comments would be greatly appreciated.

Glad to see everybody at the Realm in Brea today. On to the next tournament!

1 comment

KefkaZ 1

I've got a similar deck skewed more towards upgrades and fewer events. Torment has done a good job of keeping me in resources. I've only playtested it against a friend and will be bringing it to a tournament this week. Fun deck!