Solo Sabine 10th Place SC at Goin' Gaming

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
One Lady Army 2 2 3 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Razelll 244

I know you might be wondering, how? Well the answer is, drum roll please, there were only 11 people. hahaha I went 1-3, with my only win being a by. So what I found out is that Solo Sabine is not that good at Store Champs, but. She played fairly well. Against a Boba/7th she killed Boba round 2 and against a Cassian/Poe she killed Cassian with 2 round 3. The only problem is she doesn't have enough health to live long enough. In games 1 and 3 she died turn 3 and in the 2nd game she died turn 2. I do think Solo Sabine is fun just to take to a casual tournament night, or a game with your friends.

And now is the time that everybody says, I told you soooooo. hahaha

P.S. I only ran 1 Tenacity because that is all I had. So I filled its slot with Reversal.


Hessian Sack 1338

Good on you for playing it! Fantastic deck. Aside from the fact that it has 11 health :P

Razelll 244

@Hessian Sack Thanks man. Good luck on your store champ. Hopefully it goes better than mine. haha

Hessian Sack 1338

@Razelll Thanks :) It's my first officially organised tournament, so I'm over preparing a bit. I wish I could just have access to whatever cards I need, and the knowledge of which decks will absolutely destroy my opponents :P

Caniac 174

If mill keeps making headway, this deck could be a viable mill killer like she usually is.

Razelll 244

@Caniac That is true. If everybody at my local game store runs mill, I think I will use her again. But untill then, she is not that powerful.