Gungan Vehicles - Top 4 SC - 20 people

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.

EvilTurtleofDoom 28

I placed 3rd in swiss losing to a mill deck in swiss, and then the same mill deck in the top 4.

Round 1 - Win - Thrawn/Snoke Vehicles Was able to take both snoke and thrawn out in the same round to avoid the dark ritual play. Still had 2 characters up.

Round 2 - Win - Talzin/Commandosx2 My battlefield. Commandos and gungans were chipping damage pretty consistently. Last round came down to having only 1 gungan warrior alive with 2 Planetary Uprisings. Opponent had all characters alive. Opponent claimed first, and then I popped The Day is Ours to deal 7 indirect and then claim first action to deal another 7.

Round 3 - Loss - EYoda/Cassian/Anakin2 (Mill) Mill took this pretty quickly. Opponent started with 2 scrap heaps round 1 and I didn't have my overloads. Bad match up for me.

Round 4 - Win - Talzin/Kylo2 Everything was going for me this game. Got my rally aids and tech teams out early and had vehicles out pretty consistently.

Top 4 Cut - Single eliminations only Played the same mill deck from earlier. Game was much closer, needing only 6 more damage to pop out. Opponent had clutch hyperspace jump plays.

I feel like the gungans are great with vehicles. Roll gungans first, except for jar jar, he's last. Resolve damage whenever you can, most people will leave 1 or 2 damage showing because they want you to roll more stuff out.

I might trade out 1 overload with a scruffy looking nerf herder to get of hyperspace jumps and retreats.

Hope you enjoyed my write up!

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