DJ SEVENTH - 1st Place (8-person Store Champ)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Yakubo 9

First pair vs eFinn2/eRose - win

Second pair vs eFirmus Piett/Mandalorian Super Commando/Mandalorian Super Commando - win

Third Pair vs eAphra/eTarkin - win


Semifinals vs eKylo/eSnoke - win

Final vs eKylo/ePryce- Win


Celestron Destiny 69

Do you think that DJ - Treacherous Rogue's indirect was worth it, or would Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary have been better?

sageleader 2

@cracalacin I think DJ is better after having played him. The thing is that even if both of DJ's dice are removed (e.g. Easy Pickings) you can still use his ability to both remove dice AND get damage. And best case scenario he rolls double 2s for 4 damage and you mitigate dice for more damage each round. Boba has potential against vehicle decks to do more damage, but that's very situational.

StaticCat 40

@sageleaderDJ - Treacherous Rogue is better in most regards to Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary because he doesn't have mixed damage, granted he looses the Boba Fett special but his ability for removing dice and dealing indirect can be far more superior. And my thoughts on your deck I love this combo, I ran it when the DJ card was in beta on TTS and I played it extensively, however I'm quite curious as to why you are not running In The Crosshairs and Decisive Blow yes I know they both cost 3 resources, but you can easily get to that because you only need a few upgrades out yourself. Plus you can run Truce and Well-Connected to get some more resources. I personally would take out Deflect because I find that card to specific of removal, but again in certain circumstances it works well, I'd also take out the Maul's Lightsaber and the Fifth Brother's Lightsaber because they're both good, but better on their specific characters well the Fifth's is, Maul's works on anyone that's blue, but still - you could be better used for the cards I mentioned above, or maybe even adding Shoto Lightsaber for more melee and the ability to remove shields or add them. Also if you do add those cards you could even go down to 1 ofs for some of your mitigation since those 2 cards I mentioned will do more removal than the ones that you could be using . . . oh and before I forget drop Mislead that's junk - lol - and you definitely want to have Beguile

Regardless, enjogy!

Yakubo 9

@cracalacin I think dj is better than dumb in this deck because the damage you do with DJ's ability at the end makes a difference. I played eBoba / eSeventh and this version with DJ is more solid and fun from my point of view.

@StaticCat They are very good cards but with high cost. I wanted to do without Truce and Well-Connected since I was looking to rent the DJ skill to the maximum with mitigation cards. As for deflect, I put it in the deck because in the metagame there is a lot of ranged damage and I think it does not hurt to remove a dice and deal damage with deflect added to the DJ skill. On the sabers of FIFTH BROTHER AND MAUL, I think they are important in this deck since equipped in the seventh sister are a source of major damage since it is usually the DJ who takes the focus.

Brandonious 222

What about adding some Dive's and Defend's??? Those cards hurt when you play a little slower. They are excellent finisher cards for DJ

H.Sack 64

Entangle? I could be good to fuel DJ - Treacherous Rogue's ability. I'd drop Isolation or Mislead for it...

the BEAST 1128

I like Relentless Pursuit with DJ.

Yakubo 9

@Brandonious Dive and Defend are both good for this deck, but the cost 2 made me leave them out because resources are very limited in this deck.

Yakubo 9

@the BEAST it could be interesting to see how Relentless Pursuit works in this deck. Nice card with indirect damage decks, i will try it.