eGrievous / Talzin

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
eGrievous / Talzin Aggro 0 0 2 2.0

Phaed 7

This is my first SWD deck, so I am sure there is a lot to improve upon. The idea was to make a deck that fit the Trilogy format which used General Grievous to dish out as much damage as possible while using Talzin to manipulate the game to keep Grievous out as long as possible. Obviously the deck is themed in the Clone Wars era as well. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


RoAr 11

I think for a deck with Mother Talzin you have too many even costed cards in it. you want to limit yourself to probably only 4 or 6 to get her ability to work 90% of the time

Phaed 7

Okay, so maybe I can take out: x2 Crackdown (though I like the resource generation) x2 Quickdraw Holster

and I could add.. what? Maybe some vehicle support?

Phaed 7

Made some changes, here is the new deck: