Throke - 1st Place 14 player SC

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
eThrawn/eSnoke - 12 Person Store Championship Winner (4-0) 15 11 7 2.0
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None yet.

mikemcgoo 10

Hey! Publishing my deck that won at an SC recently. I loved the characters and planetary bombardment the moment I saw it released. Did a lot of tinkering with this deck. Last minute brainstorming with a buddy made a lot of changes the night before and came up with this list. I'll try to detail the games and final thoughts as much as I can.

Round 1 Win vs Grievous/Anakin - Newer player, I got out a chance cube turn 1 and resources on pretty much every side available and used Thrawn to get his only mitigation out of his hand. Was able to play solar sailer and 2 fang fighters. Kept up the pace and buried him in dice. I usually got 2 mitigation in my hand each round and his grievious dice weren't really cooperating, rolling only 1 damage at a time so easy for me to remove. Game ended with 1 damage on each character.

Round 2 Win vs Luke3/Rey2 - This was a really fun game, lots of back and forth. Thrawn was able to remove key mitigation from his hand every turn so he mostly played to getting his board state as loaded as possible, which he was able to do with lots of resources turn 1 and a destiny turn 3. I played a fall back though and he ended up having to remove about 4 upgrades (I believe he removed a force illusion and force speedx2 off luke and a dagger of mortis off of rey) which basically reset him. I had to make some tough mitigation cards but I had the hailfires out which was constantly tagging him and removing any shields he put up as well as playing a clutch scorched earth for another 6 indirect before resolving any of my dice. Really enjoyed this game against a really good player.

Round 3 Win vs Talzin/Mando/Mando - Was dreading this deck a bit and piloted by a good opponent. About 2/3 of this deck is indirect damage so 3 wide worried me as well as constant unmitigatable damage is a problem. He was able to get out some big force powers (push and throw) but another big fall back had him tossing a lot of his holocrons/cubes and upgrades which helped shut down the mando's. Pumped out a ton of indirect with hailfires and a late game planetary for 5 additional indirect helped seal the win.

Round 4 Loss vs Leia/Yoda - Got pretty crushed in this one. Made a little money but his hand discard usually trashed my vehicles before I could put them out. My character dice seemed to be rolling nothing but blanks and disrupts even after some desperate rerolls, so I could barely get anything going. Did 2 damage by the end of turn 3. Got a couple vehicles going and did about 11 damage turn 4 and 14 turn 5, however I had no cards left and he had a force illusion, two field medics and dex's diner and I couldn't do enough damage to get over the hump.

Round 5 Loss vs Aayla/Kanan - One of the decks I was worried about before the SC along with Luke3/Rey2. I originally had 2 tie fighters in the deck specifically as tech to fight these 2 decks. He was rolling not too badly, doing lots of little pokes but I kept getting full hands of vehicles so had to just keep getting hit. Was able to get a couple of vehicles out and shoot Kanan a bit but he won pretty handily.

Figured I would get 5-7th, but was happy as I wanted to win at least 3 during swiss, found out I made the cut to top 4 so I was super thankful and excited until I found out I had to play against the undefeated Leia/Yoda player again.

Leia Yoda, won 2-1. Game 1 got crushed pretty heavily again. Milling huge amounts of my hand and deck and didn't get a whole lot rolling. Game 2 I focused a little less on getting resources for the vehicles and just tried doing damage immediately and this seemed to do the trick. Usually getting 1 of thrawn's resource sides, focusing vehicles as well as snoke's dice to damage whenever possible put a lot of pressure on his low health deck and forced him to play a lot of healing cards and using Yoda's special to get shields. Got off another scorched earth and 2 hailfires up and running let me do a lot of passive indirect damage and played a couple of headhunters at the end for 4 indirect passively and he conceded. Game 3 I stuck to that game plan and it worked similarly but he was able to hammer my deck a lot harder so the race was on. Got out and early planetary I wasn't able to resolve very much and he ended up with about 10 resources however I was able to pound big damage sides onto force illusions and we ended up milling each other out, however I had 2 ground battalions in play so it was just a matter of who had the battlefield and it would've been me. Squeaked my way into the finals.

Yoda/Ezra/Rookie pilot - won 2-0. Both had a laugh that with 4 mill decks in a mill meta, both vehicle decks made it to the finals. My opponent is extremely good so was pretty worried and didn't expect too much, however I believe with the resource generation I would be able to get way more dangerous vehicles out quicker than him, however he had the higher health pool. Game 1 we were both mitigating each other and didn't get too much out for vehicles early. I got out some bigger vehicles but was getting hurt badly from ezra and the pilot and he had 4 damage early (2 base 2 modified) and he chose to gun down snoke so I was able to get enough money to dark ritual snoke back into the game with a barely damaged thrawn and it was too much health for him to chew through as that point and I was just trying to bury him in indirect damage. Game 2 went similarly but we both got a lot of vehicles out early, he had the battlefield and rally aid and I was making a ton of money with chance cubes and I tried doing the same to bury him in indirect. Solar sailor was usually rolling shields and allowing me to draw good mitigation cards which was going a long way. His dice were rolling absolute garbage though, no damage across all characters and about 5 supports. When he did that though with all his characters at half health I hit him with a scorched earth which put him on the edge and he killed thrawn in return. I had another hailfire in my hand as well as a dark ritual and he claimed, I opted for the dark ritual on thrawn which was huge. Next round I got his last force illusion and he had very little health left. I knew he had a garbage shute and pinned down in his hand and he pinned down a fang fighter showing 3 and had no resources left. I used a double focus on thrawn to swap 2 arc's to 3 indirect each, he was showing some shields and it would've been exactly enough to still beat him. His bad dice definitely won me the 2nd game.

Final Thoughts: Took out tie fighters and put in hidden motives for free removal, the shield decks I played I don't think it would've mattered so that was a good change. I removed 2 tech teams because I figured for resources it was either chance cubes or tech teams and went with the cubes, putting in beguile and natures charm. If I had to change this, would definitely go with 2 beguiles and drop the natures charm, I don't think I ever saw it. I got the solar sailor out almost every game and it was amazing. Drawing the card as well as usually rolling awesome two sides was basically a beefed up thrawn die and was the MVP of the deck. Second MVP's had to be hailfires, if these came out early it put a tremendous amount of pressure on the opponent and if both were out it looked really good for me. The scorched earth and fall back were also huge when I used them, giving me an additional 6 indirect from my hand or clearing the opponent back to a turn 1 board state. Would maybe drop a mind trick for something else. Imperial discipline maybe to help fix Thrawn's dice for free, there were a lot of times I wish I had more focus (I know, totally silly when the dice focus EVERYTHING) but being able to get thrawn to the resource or allowing you to get snoke to his focus or indirect sides instead of dice fixing could really accelerate the damage in this deck. Thanks for reading and I'll trt to answer any comments I can!

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