Pryce of a Piggy

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pryce of a Piggy 0 0 0 1.0

Authorn 45

Might I suggest 2 copies of Vibrocutlass instead of Darksaber because you can get both copies in play, and Darksaber's ability will not come into play with any of your characters in this setup. Now if you aren't playing it because you don't own it, then I can understand that. Just some thoughts

Mister_Narwhal 1

Not gonna lie, but I came here because of the name. Anyways, it’s a nice deck. Looks good for discarding/removing dice. A problem may be resources though. It’s good that you have the Chance Cube, but it does have the word “chance” in the name. You may need another way to earn resources.

Salteador27 1

You can turn Chance Cube the side you want with Arihnda Special if you need it.

Dake 1

It must have been hard to resist the urge to include Twin Shadows.

MonsterMedic13 19

@Authorn yeah so the only reason I put Darksaber in over Vibrocutlass is i completely forgot that Vibrocutlass had Redeploy on it! So yes, I would put Vibrocutlass in instead! thanks for the advice!

MonsterMedic13 19

@Mister_Narwhal I actually found that i don't really hurt for money, even if i don't get that Chance Cube out first round. it does suck if you don't get an Electrostaff or Truce first hand. I am considering taking out the Stolen Cache or some of the mitigation for another cheap upgrade. maybe Vibroknife.