Aurra Snoke - Aggro-ness - Smuggler's Run?

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Hessian Sack 1338

I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. I think it's really strong. I'm considering playing it in Smuggler's Run, which is an Australian TTS tournament that's coming up.


Tornadoman 1

A Force Illusion or two might come in handy

bootube 22

lol i made a deck similar to this a while ago. From my experience force speed isn't as necessary so I replaced it with force illusion.

H.Sack 64

@Tornadoman @bootube I'll probably drop the Unpredictables ore the Enrages for 2 Force Illusions. Thoughts on Way of the Force for Snoke - Supreme Leader? I don't think it's necessary.

ShadowLink 55

@H.Sack I was thinking of adding maybe Take Flights for control on your Aurra dice, and potentially Quick Draw for that action cheat on those ambush weapons

Henslesax 73

Fast Hands really help Aurra damage not get mitigated if you drop Force Speed, at least for her weapon dices if you want to use Snoke - Supreme Leader power action on her character dice.

Echo7 328

Can you combine a Snoke power action with Aurra's ability to resolve a 2 as 5?

Tornadoman 1

`@rogue6548 I would think so yes.

Phobos 6

Yep, 5 damage