Dr Aphra Snoke Battle Droid Top 8 Australian Nationals 55- P

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

stranglebat 832

6 rounds

r1 - Regional win Bye

r2 - eFinn2 eCassian -win

r3 - eSnoke Talzin Ciena - win

r4 - eSnoke Aphra Bd - loss

r5 - ePlo ezra2 padawan - win

r6 - eYoda rose ezra Stolen intel - win

my only loss in swiss was to my team mate and eventual tourney winner Blake Moody who had a card for card copy of my deck as we made refine the list together. look out for his on the db soon.

top 8 vs Yoda Hondo game 1 was massive for him he got 2 force waves down and crushed me - loss

game 2 was a lot better for me i took the damage more and built my board state - win

game 3 was closer than game 1 but starring down 2 waves and cunning was super hard to navigate. loss

congrats to Luke my top 8 opponent for a great gamed played zero mistakes made and real tight yoda hondo list.

congrats to blake as well for taking our list all the way.

thanks to jacob as well who helped the list get to its final form and took it to a 4-2 finish

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