Leia/Yoda - There is another

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Ravenholt79 85

Lots of wide damage, lots of mitigation. Fun times.


frank0sis 124

Nice deck!

I haven't played it but somehow I still feel entitled to make suggestions:

-2 Electroshock -2 Scruffy -1 Bait and Switch

+2 He Doesn't Like You +2 All In +1 Crime Lord

He Doesn't Like You seems cool and I think you have room for villain cards; free mit is nice. Bait and Switch isn't the best with just the one resource side on Boushh, but Crime Lord looks like fun. All In over Scruffy is mostly personal preference but it lets you go fast.

Ravenholt79 85

I will try and explain my rationale when it comes to the cards you mentioned J


Scruffy has always been a debatable card – in this current meta, I feel like it could be key to stall decks like Snoke (get rid of their big T1 support), vs. mill (get rid of that card that will blow up my hand) and even make a certain combo players discard an X-Wing.  At worse its insurance that I can go all in with chaining specials (get rid of their removal). I might still remove it since it often feels bad late game.


He Doesn’t Like You is usually better than Electroshock, the reason I went with it is I’m not sure I can afford to lose character dice, I’d rather reroll for more specials.  My version of the deck is a lot lower on the money curve than usual and I don’t think I’ll be short on credits to pay for it.


Crime Lord I’m not sure about – the 5 credit cost on the special is steep.  I don’t foresee my opponents saving up their money to pay for Leia specials (a lot of decks will be doing nothing at all if they go that route).  I will probably still playtest it after giving this version a few goes!  If I find myself floating in cash, it’s definitely going in with Ace in the Hole

AlreadyPicked 14

I like the deck but once Leia Organa - Boushh is down, how do you do your damage?

Ravenholt79 85

The only source of damage once that happens is the thermal detonators. Its certainly not optimal but its the reason I run both Force Illusion and Second Chance (along with a heavy suite of mitigation) to prevent that from happening.

The meta is heavy on 3 to 4 character wide atm and you hope for those match-ups.

cjfm 35

Honestly, just play backup muscle and doubt + hdly and be happy with an insane mitigation package.

Ravenholt79 85

Any easy swaps you'd recommend to slot these in? Cheers!

Ravenholt79 85

If I'm going to run even cheaper mitigation, I might as well play deja vu xD

Icezox 7

I would play déjà vu in that deck. The only reason I would add that card is that it is a support and so you have one or two more villain cards that will stay in play to spot for leia's special. Thus more mitigation possible and more difficult to pay leia.

the BEAST 1128

@Ravenholt79Probably want to use Force Wave over V-1 Thermal Detonator. I also like Energy Pike with Yoda - Wizened Master.

@cjfmHe can't play Doubt.

cjfm 35

@the BEAST right, sorry YELLOW villain. My b

Destry210 732
