I steal your fun things

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

nez477 134

I just can't get over my love of Unkar. And in this meta, with Thrawn/Snoke just running over people, it still is a pretty decent counter, so I thought I'd share. I've beaten Thrawn/Snoke, Dooku/Mom, and ALMOST beat Monk with it last night against the Leia/Lando mill silliness.

Is it great? Probably not. But it is fun and can potentially win against many matchups.


Mulligan for Fragmentation Grenade and Vader's Fist. I know the Frag Grenades seem odd, but it is a one cost upgrade with a 3 side. So you put that on Unkar, roll out. Sometimes you may want to immediately Unkar two dice at this point (or maybe you got lucky with the 3i from Fragmentation Grenade. Or you can activate Talzin and turn the Grenade to the 3 side.

You may get tempted to just resolve 3 resources... I find that using the Unkar ability is usually best. Your opponent's first hand is going to have their most valuable cards.

So the basic strategy is to get resources, play great supports, do lots of damage.


Sometimes it truly does all come together. If on turn one you can get out the LR1K Sonic Cannon, you can set up for the Partnership/Salvo combo. You need 3 resources and either FOST or Unkar still alive. You get to play partnership, activate both the LR1K and Talzin, turn the LR1K to the 6d/3r side, and then resolve it against each of your opponents. I know it seems situational and it is. But its not absolutely necessary to win a match, it just can accelerate things. It probably doesn't hurt to mulligan to have one of these two cards in your opening hand.


Against the Shadowcaster and OTK decks, your Unkar actions have to be very lucky. Thrawn can of course sniff out some. Mitigation can of course be a problem but partnership alleviates some of those problems. I've also toyed around with having Tactical Mastery in the deck, but having the FOST around to ensure you can use it doesn't always work and often I'm spending one resource to hurry up and do an Unkar action which can only net you one resource sometimes.


Fun deck. Probably not what I'm going to take to regionals. But it at least can be a pain in the ass for the current meta.

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