Super Battle Droids

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Bavinnie 7

First off I am definitely open to suggestions. I have been playing this on TTS and a few times IRL and I have been surprised at the consistency. The main changes I have been toying with are swapping doubt for cannon fodder, and profitable connection with blockade, but i feel like starting a resource ahead is really useful. When playing i typically try to use the redeploy weapons to replace before a character is defeated and training is very strong opening because you can power action either die, also if possible save the power actions for when using reinforce allowing you to guarantee damage with it.


outro 146

Bavinnie 7

The extra resource is really helpful getting a lot of upgrades down early. Com tower also works well but being able to play 2 early upgrades is really strong.

Skreye 26

@Bavinnie,I used to play four-wide troopers, and both Attrition and Aftermath were key cards. I've also seen 3x SBDs with Armored Reinforcement (in place of Profitable Connection) and Hailfire Droid Tank, Umbaran Hover Tank, or Imperial Troop Transport. Searching one up on the first turn is a strong start. Good luck!

kidvaloo 108

I agree with @Skreye on at least Aftermath to replace Logistics. If you're not 100% married to Theed Royal Palace - Naboo I'd suggest Arena of Death - Nar Shaddaa over it, I believe it can get you more mileage over Attrition in a three wide.

Bavinnie 7

`@Skreyethe troop transport with armored is a awesome idea I’ll try that immediately! Thanks! And `@kidvaloo’ I’ll definitely try the arena I think that’s super smart that extra dmg can make a huge difference. Thank both of you!