Jawas with Landspeeders and Z-95s with Laser Cannons

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Buffybot 323

Ever since Rivals came out, I wanted to play a Jawa deck, but it just wasn't viable. I'm not saying it IS viable now, don't get me wrong, but the No Allegiance plot finally made me do it, to see if it can cause a sweat in casual play. I'll find out soon!

The deck is not complicated, because your options are fairly limited with only neutral grey cards to choose from. The only trickery here is Surprise Attack. You could include Swiftness to create some shenanigans with Nature's Charm rerolling your Z-95 Headhunters into damage and then resolving, and I might give that a go at some point. But for now, this deck keeps it simple: use your high 35 health base and all your defensive cards to keep your opponent at bay long enough to do some serious damage.


That last sentence just about summed it up, actually. But there's a bit more, because Jawas are crafty. The guns have Redeploy, of course, you need that with your squishy scavenger friends. The Laser Cannon are for your Z-95 Headhunters and X-34 Landspeeders. Remote Stockpile is for first round play, otherwise it's discard-for-reroll fodder. Put Plastoid Armor on an unscathed Jawa - assuming you have one, of course, because this deck is not friends with cards like Salvo and Fear and Dead Men - and put any shields on that same Jawa, to try to build up an invincible megaJawa to receive your redeployed guns later on.

For added risk and giggles, put a Laser Cannon on your Podracer. I'm still gutted there wasn't a Jawa podracer pilot in Phantom Menace.

Options for changes: an extra Holdout Blaster and/or Canto Bight Pistol. An extra Remote Stockpile to increase the chance of playing it in the first round. My first build had Systems Gauge and Targeting Astromech, they are worth considering, as is Swiftness as mentioned above. I'd like to try out Lotho Minor Junkers which really fits thematically. The battlefield Training Room - Kamino may be an improvement.

If anyone is interested in finding out how this does in casual play, let me know and I'll post a report.

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