Fantasy Flight Event Center 2019 Regional Top 4 Three-Wide M

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hero Mill - 1st Place SC Dothan, AL 7 4 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

cbates05 16

Hey yall,

Here is the list I took to top 4 at 2019 FFGEC Regional. I don't think there is anything surprising in here but thought I'd post! 6-2 in swiss. Lost both times to ESnoke - Supreme Leader/EBazine Netal - Master Manipulator/Battle Droid piloted by Rami and Luke of Destiny Council. Lost in top 4 to the eventual Regional Winner Brian Lindberg playing Yoda - Wizened Master/Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance mill. Great day and awesome event! Thanks!

1 comment

Vontz 146

how close was your game against yoda leia?