Outer Rim | Thrawn/Snoke 2nd Place Atlanta Regional

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

OuterRimSmugglers 89

This deck was piloted to a 2nd place finish at the Atlanta Regional back in December by the Outer Rim's own Melvin Hendrix. He went 5-1 through Swiss rounds and lost to a great Destiny player from Artificery running Yoda/Leia(Boushh).

Melvin's game strategy was to build a big vehicle board state early and follow that with a late game Planetary Bombardment for the huge indirect blast.

His MVP card though in the deck was Senate Chamber, a card not used very early in the Meta. He used that card in many games late in turns to fix dice to sides he needed for damage or resources.

Congrats to Melvin for a strong showing!


Tistu 1

So, what u think about the nerf?

Outer Rim-Melvin aka ODS 39

it sucked big time it really heart my heart, I was really hoping they waited until after the regional season to nerf this great deck but I guess they did what they had to do it was too good I really enjoyed playing this deck I tried bitter rivalry but against heavy hitters like Vader/Greedo or Snoke/Tarkin this deck doesn't have a chance now....