Cody Lando No Risk Carbon-Freeze

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

AnderFREAK 3

Ascension gun's special will allow you free carbon freezing chamber uses, even if you take rebel war room.

If you have the option choose the rebel war room as your battlefield. Use Cody's special to resolve Lando's 4 resource side or the shadowcaster's big hits for free.

This nets you early money and potentially early damage if you get the shadow caster turn 1. Lando's 4 side is great for planned explosion, and the Falcon or Cunning can continually play it and any other yellow card from your discard for free.

Home Turf Advantage gives the ability to adapt your strategy game to game. Facing Vader? Take the carbon-freezing chamber as your battlefield and abuse Cody's special to ice out his dice without taking damage from retribution. Facing an ambush heavy deck that's going to claim out from under you? Take rebel war room or their battlefield and still have the potential to Carbon Freeze some dice.

Lose the dice roll? Cool, you still don't have to choose the Freezing chamber unless you're confident you can make better use of it than the opponent.

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