"Solidarity Yo-Jinn" - 1st of 14 (5-0) Casual Tourney

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Orffme 71

This deck is my farewell to the old cards before Convergence came out. It would be interesting to modify it to include the newest cards and also into standard format. We had 14 players and played 5 rounds of swiss using ffg's tournament software for pairings.


General Vatutin 26

Any changes

Orffme 71

@General Vatutin Not Yet. Looks like I would need to switch out 10 cards to make it standard. I would for sure add soresu mastery, disciplined mind, near miss, force pull, jedi holocron, use the force, overqualified, and bacta therapy(?).

General Vatutin 26

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I have a ton of prebuilt decks and was wondering which deck should get the honor of S Mastery. Do you think training as a one of could deserve a space or is that a waste. Bacta therapy is good with honed and just the shields. No sure Jedi Holocron would work. Disciplined mind is good as well. The Jedi leader card like beguile with mace on the art seems good.

Orffme 71

@General VatutinI haven't used soresu training yet so I'm not sold on it. I also wonder if it would be worth it. And bacta therapy could definitely do some work with honed skills!