Yodas Fist

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

vitalis09 331

So I have been tinkering with Yoda and Enfys first when she was spoiled. And while She is great (her PA is beast!) 20 hp (as we have to run Bitter Rivalry there) is not the best option in current meta...so what can give Yoda the Vader's Fists as well? Yeap. 2xEnfys Nest's Marauder while at the same time buffing your health to whooping 28. This deck basically plays as normal aggro deck - pack the marauders with weapons or slam Fist ASAP and give them hell. Marauders are just super broken for their cost as long as you can provide them with steady flow of cash. And what is better for cash then Yoda and Maz's Vault? I have no idea :D

-You have pretty much standard melee upgrades package here, with Force Wave added as current meta call.

-Supports are scarce, just dreaded Vader's Fist and vault for cash.

-With events you have Truce for more cash and Slice And Dice that can work miracles with Enfys Nest's Marauders as you can resolve 2 of them paying just 1, resolve mods only, split damage and on top of that its unblockable. Rest of the events (13!) is just blunt mitigation to keep your team alive and kicking.

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