Luke and Students (Friendly Tabletop Sim)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

FranksterGankster 15

Your goal is to become an impenetrable wall of shields that covers all characters. Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor's special ability allows him to gear up with Protective Mentor, and Luke Skywalker's Lightning Rod to maximize the protection to your other characters. The primary cards you want to upgrade your characters with depend on how late the game is:

  • Early game, you want to give Lightning Rod to Luke asap. Try to give Protective Mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber, Coordination, Force Protection, and Force Speed to anyone you can, and give your high resource (3-4) abilities to Luke when you can.
  • Middle game, you want to start using cards like Bestow, [Defensive Teaching],(/card/05106) and Adapt to manage your collective worth on every character. Every character should have 1-2 upgrades, and both of your Protective Mentors should be out on the field if possible. If someone is going to die, replace a non-redeploy upgrade with One With The Force. Kenobi's Lightsaber is your best damage dealing weapon, and should be saved by trading with your units at all costs.
  • Late game, you should have your wall ready, and you should be safe with using cards like Riposte, and Ataru Strike. Put Lone Operative and Diplomatic Immunity on your final character if possible. This will give them more soak, and in the best case give your +5 max shields and +4 upgrade max a guaranteed win because of how tanky you are.

Remember, if you deal 3 damage per round, and they deal 0, you will eventually win. Early and Mid game you want to prevent as much damage as possible, while chipping down their characters.

If your fighting a mill deck, then focus on giving Luke Luke Skywalker's Lightning Rod, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber, and Darksaber. IF you can add a 4th upgrade, give him Lone Operative as the final piece you need to heal any damage taken.

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