Phasma/Thrawn Infinite 40/40 Highlander

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

LegoPercyJ 90

Notes: This is an infinite deck following the 40/40 highlander deckbuilding rules from this year's worlds side event. Thrawn - Grand Admiral and Captain Phasma - Stormtrooper Commander have been two characters I've always wanted to try out and this event gave me a perfect opportunity to.

Captain Phasma - Stormtrooper Commander is replacing Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician.

Solidarity is replacing Allies of Necessity

The additional 10 cards are Pulverize Strike Back Near Miss Hull Breach You Are In Command Now The Best Defense... Tactical Mastery Suppression Seize the Day and Salvo

The deck took me to a 4-2 finish and ended up doing much better than I had anticipated - the only cards that stand out as replicable would be Seize the Day for an All In and V-Wing for Senate Chamber.

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