Captain Mauls Fist

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Superjoeuk 13

Building a deck for my son for his first store tournament, was tempted to pair maul with executioner, but only have 3 Execute Order 66 cards and no time to get more (not that I can even find any) so trying a deck with the cards I have. Phasma & Vader's Fist seemed like a good idea ! Just played a couple of test games and it wrecked a Yoda deck and a beat a bounty hunter deck. Comments & suggestions very welcome !

1 comment

Superjoeuk 13

Ok going to put 2 Conflicted in, what to take out.. 1 Separatist Embargo and 1 Captain Phasma's Blaster ?