Han Fives D2

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

echo3ofclubs 261

Fives is Elite in this build, but the Db hasn't quite caught up with the new additions.


You will not win the roll off.



pupitbackster 1

Why take R2? You need him and C3PO for the fatefull trigger?

echo3ofclubs 261

@pupitbacksterFateful Companions is actually to trigger Arc Trooper Fives ability an additional time after activating him. It will cost 1 resource, but you get two additional clone trooper die.

So, activates Fives - Roll in 2 clone trooper dice. Exhaust Fateful and pay 1 resource and roll in 2 more clone trooper dice.