Jedi Toys

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

nerf_shepherd 43

Premise of the deck is using Pong for access to Jedi equipment which enables a ton of card draw options. Low cost cards to play your entire hand. Use the draw to ramp Jango and fish for Bacta/FB.

You can get a ton of resources round one if you draw Sacred Jedi Texts.

Let me say a word about Espionage. This card is not trash. Primary function is to activate Renewed Purpose, turn down the volume on Steadfast and potentially activate Pong's ability round 1. Discarding a card does not matter. Just imagine you got to see what the bottom card was--this just gives you more information about what you are likely to draw. It might make you sad to see a good card like Bacta Therapy get discarded but it would have also made you sad to see it on the bottom of your deck.

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