
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

stauberthomas 7

I would like some criticism on this deck. I want to revisit the old meta but with an update using the Choose your Destiny plot which limits the card selection to only 3 sets. I went with Finn due to theme but also to get the AT-ST and T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle in the deck for Poe to do his Special on. I tried to get an even card amount in the deck to get off the Choose your Destiny plot as soon as possible.

Edit: I pulled out a Reckless Reentry and Recycle and replaced with a Roll On and Against the Odds.

1 comment

CushionRide 101

try this .... swdestinydb.com

i think youll find it more entertaining